If you’re in the auto services industry, you know how important it is to stay up-to-date on the latest automaker advances, like advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). With ADAS, you can’t just check for diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and assume everything is working correctly. In this highly technical field, you risk drivers’ safety if you aren’t ready to properly diagnose and service these systems.
Here’s what you need to know about ADAS technician training.
What is ADAS Technician Training?
ADAS technician training prepares learners to diagnose, repair, replace, and calibrate ADAS sensors.
ADAS features are unique because they use environmental sensors. Radar, lidar, and camera sensors are attached at different points around the vehicle. These sensors monitor the environment and give practical safety warnings to drivers. They also provide automated vehicle actions like braking and steering.
ADAS sensors provide crucial information. Understanding what happens when a sensor is damaged or moves out of alignment is important. The result of a sensor failure or displacement is either “no data” or “bad data.” When this happens, ADAS—like automatic emergency braking (AEB)—won’t work as designed. Servicing ADAS requires a new set of skills.
Before servicing ADAS, technicians need to identify equipped vehicles, use tools and applications to analyze them, and understand the multi-step calibration process and equipment used.
Why Take ADAS Technician Training?
There are currently very few ADAS calibration facilities in operation, so with the expanding number opening, there will be opportunities for advancement locally, regionally, and nationally. The future looks bright for those with the skills and training to work on ADAS features.
In 2018, 92.7% of new vehicles in the U.S. included at least one ADAS. Additionally, 20 automakers signed a pledge to have one particular ADAS system—automatic emergency braking (AEB)—available standard on all new U.S. passenger vehicles in production starting September 2022. But that’s just one of the many ADAS built into new model vehicles, and more are being added every year.
With the influx of ADAS-equipped vehicles on the road, the job outlook for technicians trained to service these systems is rising. This is especially apparent when considering that professional calibration is needed after common events like fender benders and windshield replacements.
What Types of ADAS Technician Training Exist?
ADAS training is a relatively new offering, and opportunities aren’t widespread. The following are some of the options.
ADAS Technician Training for Yourself
If you are an individual looking to upskill, you may find training at an independent local calibration shop that offers ADAS training, though opportunities are few and far between. On the other hand, the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair (I-CAR) recently released an ADAS Technician role for learners to follow, which can be easily accessed online.
ADAS Technician Training for Your Staff
If you are a business owner looking to provide ADAS training to employees, there are a couple of routes you can go. First, you can suggest I-CAR certification or pay for staff training where your employees will be trained by a third-party on-site or your equipment provider.
What Topics and Skills are Covered in ADAS Training?
ADAS technician training programs should cover a few basic topics and practical skills, including the following:
Topics include:
- Defining ADAS
- ADAS sensors
- Proper calibration environment
- Calibration types and best practices
Skills include:
- ADAS tablet
- Reading DTCs
- Identifying ADAS-equipped vehicles
- Alignment quick checks
- Setting up calibrations
- Performing calibrations
- Calibration troubleshooting
What ADAS Training Providers are Available?
While ADAS training is still in its infancy, a few training providers are available, including I-CAR, ADAS equipment companies, and independent training providers.

I-CAR ADAS Technician Protocol
I-CAR recently released an optional ADAS Technician role as part of its Professional Development Program, complete with a segmented three-part training curriculum composed of 20+ individual online courses.
ADAS Calibration Equipment Manufacturers Training
To perform ADAS calibrations, you need to prep your auto shop and have a certain set of equipment. Manufacturers that sell this equipment, such as Hunter, often provide training.
Independent ADAS Training Programs
In the U.S., there are independent parties that provide ADAS training, including CarQuest Technical Institute and Standard Pro Training. Check out the list via ASE’s ADAS Specialist Test Industry Training List.
At Car ADAS Solutions, we help businesses open and operate ADAS calibration centers. Part of our calibration center package includes classroom and hands-on staff training that lasts a full week and includes at least 10 live calibrations. Before attending our weeklong training, we recommend completing I-CAR’s ProLevel I ADAS technician role training.
Open or Expand Your Auto Shop into an ADAS Calibration Center
Looking to open a calibration center as a standalone business or to augment your existing auto shop? Our hands-on, in-person ADAS technician training is part of our turnkey solution. When we help you open your own calibration center, we will train your staff to accurately service ADAS in your facility. Learn more.
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